Magnanimity or Deception In The Page of Cups

Magnanimity or Deception In The Page of Cups

Sometimes generosity may come with deception. This is the time to listen to your intuition. It can be difficult doing so if you’re naturally a suspicious or cynical personality. You can miss opportunities coming your way if you are not in tuned with your inner bell.

How many times have opportunities passed you by because you weren’t open to them? Perhaps you were thinking how you got screwed the last time. It’s correct to not repeat mistakes and exercise caution, but use wisdom and your “gut feeling” as your guide.

You may accept or reject someone’s offer of money, business opportunity or information that benefit you. Most things come with strings attached, but the question is should you accept it? Some people are naturally magnanimous with no hidden agenda and you can feel that their intentions are pure and genuine. To receive gracefully is just as important as being a giver, but make sure you know exactly what you’re accepting.